A Vibrant Space for Scientific Exploration and Growth
The Wang Lab is located in the STEM2 building at the University of Georgia (UGA), a leading public research institution renowned for its academic excellence and innovative research. The STEM2 building is a state-of-the-art facility on campus, dedicated to cutting-edge research and education in STEM. Designed to foster interdisciplinary collaboration, STEM2 features advanced laboratories, modern classrooms, and collaborative spaces that empower our research efforts.
STEM2 Building at the corner of Cedar Street and East Campus Road (Photos from UGA)
Student Office (2250) 2nd floor lounge Conference Room (2205)
Lab Views (2242, 2244, 2247, and corridor)
Major Equipment (incomplete list)
Protein expression and purification
Enzyme activity and binding measurements
Time-resolved kinetics measurements and rapid sample mixing
Resonance Raman spectroscopy
Anaerobic sample preparation and handling
Protein crystallization and single-crystal spectroscopy
Molecular biology and electrophoresis